Precisely braided silk cords, known as kumihimo, are reflected on the mirror-like metal surface. What appears is an infinite microcosm of delicacy, elegance, and stateliness. We call this atmosphere rin in Japanese.
kumihimo, created with expert craftsmanship, incorporates the warmth and richness of silk, beautiful color and pattern, along with flexibility and strength. It creates the final touch of perfection to a kimono when it is fastened together with the obi. These impressive qualities are what attracted designer Kyo Yasuda. In order to extract these alluring elements, he came upon the idea of enveloping a person.
Takashi Fukuda and his son, Ryuta of Ryukobo, a kumihimo studio in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, responded to Yasuda’s passion for choosing mitakegumi. Mitakegumi is a type of kumihimo that creates a noble impression via the use of vibrant colors and the gloss of silk, while still possessing superior elasticity. By weaving air together with the silk cord, the seat of RIN is soft, yet firm, and offers an unexpected level of comfort higher than ever experienced.
The form of stainless steel with a mirror finish on inner surfaces accentuates the beauty of kumihimo. A skilled metal polisher from the Tsubame-Sanjo area in Niigata Prefecture, created this smooth surface that almost glows by hand, polishing it at the microlevel.
The harmony of design and craftsmanship in RIN has created a unique presence beyond comparison.。

Kyo Yasuda(center)
Kyodesign Office Head Designer
Born in Tokyo in 1962.
Graduated from Tama Art University.
Works in space design, lighting, furniture product design, and design work in a wide range of areas such as for the art director.
Also serves as the creative director of the “tasca4D” brand.
Ryukobo manufactures the Edo Tokyo kumihimo, and its bandage has been popular in the kabuki world and the tea ceremony world including the royal family.
master craftsmanship outstanding skills from 120 years ago have been inherited, refined by the “iki culture” of the Edo period,
With “iki evolves” as a watchword, we pursue a high level of practicality and fashionability with a variety of group designs.
Takashi Fukuda(left)
Tokyo folkcraft person society Director
Ryuta Fukuda(right)
From the age of 15, studied with Mr. Takashi Fukuda, father of Tokyo Metropolitan Craftsman, learned Tokyo Kimihimo.
Currently we are exploring the round table, square table, Ayatake table, hill, inside baseboard, triangle and all groups.
Worked on the production and design of “Kumihimo pen” which sublimated the braid to a pen based on the technology which was inherited in 128 years.